Finding quinoa…

I’m late. Super late to a party. It’s a boring party where even wholegrain and brown rices feel like Fattys in the corner, where pulses and lentils are on the VIP list, but only just. The party, is quinoa. It feels like it’s becoming as common a word as protein or fats and quite frankly I’m bored of being constantly left out, having not cooked it at home and having rarely sampled it’s so called delights. 

So tonight I’ve added it to one of my absolute fave dinners (soz stir fry- I’m over you). 

I’ve cooked this apparent God of the health food world with a bit or garlic and onion ( rinsing it first- man this stuff is bittterrrrr) and boiled until cooked and you know what, it’s ok. It’s not going to replace the rice on your plate, and it doesn’t really touch cous cous, but so as not to be dreadfully unfashionable, I’m giving it a whirl. Let’s see how long this one lasts….

Quinoa, salmon, brocolli, spinach

(This salmon is legendary by the way even if I do say so myself- salmon, layer with light cream cheese, breadcrumbs and Parmesan and grill- it’ll change your life.) 

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